Au service de la restauration
du patrimoine bâti
The Société Gersoise De Restauration Du Patrimoine [Gersoise Heritage Restoration Society] is specialised in the restoration of monuments and buildings, whatever their size and degree of ornamentation.
With 20 years of experience in masonry, stone cutting and the restoration of historical monuments, Julien Sourbes and his team work on country houses, town houses, castles, churches, cathedrals and abbeys for private individuals, local authorities or the State. SGRP uses its know-how, experience and skills to carry out discreet restorations that perfectly integrate old buildings.
We meet public market requirements for all restoration work on architectural stone elements, from the reproduction of original elements to their installation on the building. The work is carried out by our craftsmen in the workshop and then on-site. We work in a large south-west sector of France.
Placing our experience at the service of heritage preservation
Through its human, logistical and technical resources SGRP is able to respond to large-scale projects.
We put all our know-how and rigour to use at all stages of the project, at the service of heritage preservation.

You wish to restore your property, in compliance with the rules of the art and to preserve the authenticity of the stone architectural elements. You wish to recreate new buildings, terraces, low walls with high-quality and typical materials of your region…We are at your disposal, to answer your requests. We can advise you on the choice of materials and the achievement of the project. After defining the project’s specifications with you on-site, we will draw up an estimate for all your requests.
What we can do for you:
- Old building restoration
- Stone floors
- Paving
- Windows, fireplaces
- Stairs
- Lime walls
- Lime/hemp insulation